Upravit stránku
категория продажа
тип земельного участка участок под застройку
примечание к цене including REA commission and legal services
общая площадь 1000  (м2)
номер 3300
населенный пункт Louňovice
  • Цена с НДС3 700 000,- для недвижимости

We\'re offering a building lot for sale. The total area is 1 000 sqm. Prague-East. The flat, rectangular plot right next to the forest is intended for the construction of a family house. Utilities on the boundary (electricity, water, sewerage). Building conditions: max. 2 above-ground floors including attic, max. Building height 7 m, green coefficient 0,7 (green area must be at least 700 sqm on the area of 1000 sqm). Excellent transport accessibility to Prague (33 km) and "Český Brod" (15 km). In the village of "Louňovice" you will find basic civic amenities. Buying a property can be financed by a mortgage loan, which we will be happy to arrange for you.

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