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Štaubert Karel

Štaubert Karel

Máte zájem o prohlídku? Zavolejte, napište mail, nebo vyplňte formulář na konci stránky. Plynule mluvím anglicky i rusky.

Are you interested in a tour? Call, write an e-mail or fill in the form at the bottom of the page. I speak fluent English and Russian.

Вы заинтересованы в просмотре недвижимости? Позвоните, напишите нам по электронной почте или заполните форму внизу страницы. Я свободно говорю на английском и русском языках.

категория аренда
тип коммерческого помещения офис
примечание к цене price from including equipment and services
общая площадь 38  (м2)
номер 2851
населенный пункт Ostrava
  • Цена с НДС8 090,- в месяц

The flexible and practical office space of the office No. 8 with a total area of ​​33,2 sqm and a clean office space of 10,2 sqm is located in the office center IQ Ostrava, situated in a high-rise building with attractive views and category A offices right in the center of Ostrava. Modern space, suitable for 2 people, features a stylish working environment with large windows that allow a lot of natural light to pass through the area. Excellent connectivity to Ostrava outlets, offices fully equipped with furniture and installations, high speed Wi-Fi, fully equipped kitchenette with dining area, common areas for free use - business lounge, meeting room. Complete reception services are included in the price - telephone handling, correspondence sorting, assistance work. Parking available. Services and equipment are included in the price. Ostrava is characterized by the 3rd place in the largest cities of the Czech Republic and by strategic position nearby Slovakia and Poland. Companies within the city can collaborate with four local universities. Thanks to rapid growth and favorable service prices Ostrava\'s becoming an interesting place for many international companies. The Moravian-Silesian region, which it belongs to, was known mainly for mining and steel processing. Currently, it is a magnet for fields focused on cutting-edge technology, ICT and engineering. The center is also very well located in terms of accessibility of road and railway infrastructure and international airport, which provides transportation of freight and persons.

техническое состояние объекта в очень хорошем состоянии
технология строительства объекта комбинированный
общее количество этажей 6

полезная площадь 16  (м2)
площадь застройки 16  (м2)

интернет да

автобус да
городской общественный транспорт да

парковка да

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